- 并行对应的是多进程
- 并发对应的是协程、线程(异步编程)
In [86]: def test(x):
...: y = "say:"+x
...: yield x
...: yield y
In [87]: g = test("zhangsan")
In [88]: next(g) # 取的是x值
Out[88]: 'zhangsan'
In [89]: next(g) # 取的是y的值
Out[89]: 'say:zhangsan'
In [90]: next(g) # 没有值取了,所以会抛出异常
StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-90-e734f8aca5ac> in <module>
----> 1 next(g)
In [124]: def test(x):
...: y = "say:"+x
...: yield x
...: yield y
In [125]: g = test("doge")
In [126]: g.send("pig") # 会报错,生成器还没有启动,必须send(None)或者调用next方法先
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-126-f07b448372e3> in <module>
----> 1 g.send("pig")
TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator
In [127]: next(g)
Out[127]: 'doge' # 获取yield x 的值
In [128]: g.send("pig")
Out[128]: 'say:doge' # 获取 yield y 的值
In [129]: next(g) # 没有yiled 的值了,是不是好奇send “pig” 没有反应呢?因为要接受send的值必须是 = yield x 这个格式,在等号的右边yield
StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-129-e734f8aca5ac> in <module>
----> 1 next(g)
下面实例:接受send的值,注意是z = yield x
In [139]: def test(x):
...: y = "say:"+x
...: z = yield x
...: yield z
...: yield y
In [140]: g2 = test("doge")
In [141]: next(g2) # 启动生成器,输出的是yield x的值
Out[141]: 'doge'
In [142]: g2.send("pig") # 启动生成器,输出的是yield z的值
Out[142]: 'pig'
In [143]: next(g2)
Out[143]: 'say:doge' # 启动生成器,输出的是yield y的值
需要注意的是,在python2中yield只是起到异步的作用,在效率上并没有得到提升,只是起到了协程的上下文切换。在python2中如果需要协程,可以用gevent库,到python3.3又新增了yield from,区别在yield from可以传递一个迭代器,python3.6之后新增asyncio真正的原生协程
在python2协程的主流实现方法是使用gevent模块。需要单独pip install gevent,由于协程对于操作系统是无感知的,其操作是开发人员自己去完成的。
import time import threading import gevent import requests from gevent.pool import Pool from lxml import etree def request_web(): url = "https://wsppx.cn/date/2021/06/" resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_urls = html.xpath("//h2[@class='item-title']/a/@href") return wsppx_urls def request_artice(url): resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_title = html.xpath("//h1[@class='entry-title']/text()") info = html.xpath("//div[@class='entry-info']/a/text()") print('current thread %s .' % threading.current_thread().name) print(url, wsppx_title, info) def run(): urls = request_web() jobs = [] for url in urls: jobs.append(gevent.spawn(request_artice, url)) gevent.joinall(jobs) for job in jobs: job.run() # p = Pool(20) # for url in urls: # p.apply_async(request_artice,args=(url,)) # p.join() def wait(x): print("wait sleep {}s".format(x)) time.sleep(x) if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() run() cost_time = time.time() - t1 print("cost time:", cost_time)
运行结果:cost time: 4.748389959335327,其实并没有提高效率

协程之python3.3中的yield from
yield from就我个人而言,在工作上基本上没有用过,因为后面的版本出现asyncio 替代它实现了异步协程,这东西很鸡肋
在功能上yield from items 类似 for item in items:return yield item,其实就是给你少写了一个循环,当然深究的话,yield from在处理异常方面也做了改进,又兴趣的同学可以看下源码
import time def run(): astr = "ABC" alist = [1, 2, 3] adict = {"ip": "", "addr": "google"} agen = (i for i in range(50, 60)) def gen(*args, **kwargs): for item in args: yield from args # 等价上面的yield from # for item in args: # for i in item: # yield i new_list = gen(astr, alist, adict, agen) print(list(new_list)) if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() run() cost_time = time.time() - t1 print("cost time:", cost_time)
- 协程函数: 定义形式为一定是
async def
的函数; - 协程对象: 调用 协程函数 所返回的对象。
需要注意的是,创建一个协程又三种方法,asyncio.create_task / loop.create_task / asyncio.ensure_future,在python3.7之后其中asyncio.create_task
除了接受协程,还可以是 Future 对象或者 awaitable 对象
import asyncio import time import requests from lxml import etree def request_web(): url = "https://wsppx.cn/date/2021/06/" resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_urls = html.xpath("//h2[@class='item-title']/a/@href") return wsppx_urls async def request_artice(url): print("start request url:",id(url),url) resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_title = html.xpath("//h1[@class='entry-title']/text()") info = html.xpath("//div[@class='entry-info']/a/text()") # print(wsppx_title, info) await asyncio.sleep(1) print("end request",id(url)) return wsppx_title async def run(): urls = request_web() tasks = [] for url in urls: task = asyncio.create_task(request_artice(url)) # task = asyncio.ensure_future(request_artice(url)) tasks.append(task) return await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) def wait(x): print("wait sleep {}s".format(x)) time.sleep(x) if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() # py3.7之前用这个 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() data = loop.run_until_complete(run()) # py3.7之后用下面的 # data = asyncio.run(run()) print(data) cost_time = time.time() - t1 print("cost time:", cost_time)
协程yield、yield from、gevent、asyncio比较
- 如果是用生成器的话yield、yield from,
- yield from iterable本质上等于for item in iterable: yield item的缩写版
- 如果是协程,python2用gevent,在python3.6之后就可以用asyncio
说到多线程一定会提到GIL(Global Interpreter Lock)锁,这个后面会专门有一节会讲到这个,GIL是一种粗粒度的全局锁,它的出现是为了解决多线程安全的问题,那什么又是线程安全呢?多线程环境经常出现抢占资源、死锁、数据同时存取的问题,那么为了解决这个问题,就需要给线程加锁,保证同一时刻只有一个线程对共享资源进行存取。GIL就是保证在单核cpu的情况下只有一个线程在调度。
- 正常爬虫的写法
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/7/27 1:43 下午 # @Author : wsppx # @File : test_yield.py # @Software: PyCharm import time import requests from lxml import etree def request_web(): url = "https://wsppx.cn/date/2021/06/" resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_urls = html.xpath("//h2[@class='item-title']/a/@href") return wsppx_urls def request_artice(url): resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_title = html.xpath("//h1[@class='entry-title']/text()") info = html.xpath("//div[@class='entry-info']/a/text()") print(url, wsppx_title, info) def run(): urls = request_web() for url in urls: request_artice(url) if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() run() cost_time = time.time() - t1 print("cost time:", cost_time)
运行结果: cost time: 4.8902060985565186

- 使用多线程
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/7/27 1:43 下午 # @Author : wsppx # @File : test_yield.py # @Software: PyCharm import time import threading import requests from lxml import etree def request_web(): url = "https://wsppx.cn/date/2021/06/" resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_urls = html.xpath("//h2[@class='item-title']/a/@href") return wsppx_urls def request_artice(url): resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_title = html.xpath("//h1[@class='entry-title']/text()") info = html.xpath("//div[@class='entry-info']/a/text()") print('current thread %s .' % threading.current_thread().name) print(url, wsppx_title, info) def run(): threads = [] urls = request_web() for url in urls: t = threading.Thread(target=request_artice, args=(url,)) threads.append(t) for t in threads: # t.setDaemon(True) # 守护线程,也就是把所有的子线程都变成主线程的守护线程,当主线程结束后,守护子线程也会随之结束,整个程序也跟着退出。 t.start() t.join() # 将线程挂起,调用该方法将会使主调线程堵塞,直到被调用线程运行结束或超时,也就是主线程执行完毕之前,必须等待子线程执行结束 def wait(x): print("wait sleep {}s".format(x)) time.sleep(x) if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() run() cost_time = time.time() - t1 print("cost time:", cost_time)
执行结果:cost time: 4.726883172988892,你是不是发现,并没有提高速度,执行多次,还会比单线程慢呢?

- 我们修改下main函数,在主线程增加一个睡眠函数
if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() run() wait(6) # 睡眠6秒 cost_time = time.time() - t1 print("cost time:", cost_time)
运行结果:cost time: 6.569008111953735,你会发现
- wait(6)在run()之前执行了,这是因为线程是异步的,不需要等待线程执行完再执行下面一个函数。
- 总耗时才6.5,而不是6s+之前的4.6s呢?是因为当出现阻塞IO,cpu会切换线程,也就是先sleep 6s,这里就是阻塞IO,cpu会释放全剧锁GIL,其他的线程获取锁,继续执行,肉眼看是并发的感觉,其实只是线程切换。这也说明了,为啥上面执行用多线程,并没有加速,因为没有出现阻塞IO,效率并没有提升,而这里出现了一个6s的IO阻塞,就会切换线程执行,提高效率。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/7/27 1:43 下午 # @Author : rickzuo # @File : test_yield.py # @Software: PyCharm import time import threading s_time = time.time() counter = 0 def add(): global counter for _ in range(1000000): counter = counter + 1 def sub(): global counter for _ in range(1000000): counter = counter - 1 threads = [] t1 = threading.Thread(target=add) t2 = threading.Thread(target=sub) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print("counter:",counter) cost_time = time.time() - s_time print("cost time:", cost_time)
import time import threading lock = threading.Lock() s_time = time.time() counter = 0 def add(): global counter lock.acquire() for _ in range(1000000): counter = counter + 1 lock.release() def sub(): global counter with lock: for _ in range(1000000): counter = counter - 1 if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = threading.Thread(target=add) t2 = threading.Thread(target=sub) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print("counter:", counter) cost_time = time.time() - s_time print("cost time:", cost_time)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/7/27 1:43 下午 # @Author : wsppx # @File : test_yield.py # @Software: PyCharm import time import threading from multiprocessing import Pool from os import cpu_count import requests from lxml import etree def request_web(): url = "https://wsppx.cn/date/2021/06/" resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_urls = html.xpath("//h2[@class='item-title']/a/@href") return wsppx_urls def request_artice(url): resp = requests.get(url) text = resp.text html = etree.HTML(text) wsppx_title = html.xpath("//h1[@class='entry-title']/text()") info = html.xpath("//div[@class='entry-info']/a/text()") print('current thread %s .' % threading.current_thread().name) print(url, wsppx_title, info) def run(): urls = request_web() process_pool = Pool(processes=cpu_count()) for url in urls: process_pool.apply_async(request_artice, (url,)) process_pool.close() process_pool.join() def wait(x): print("wait sleep {}s".format(x)) time.sleep(x) if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() run() cost_time = time.time() - t1 print("cost time:", cost_time)
运行结果:cost time: 3.400,是不是快了很多
